Conference Proceedings
About the Conference
In the afternoon on May 09, the conference started. Vice Present of
Kunming University of Science and Technology, Prof. Hongchun Shu gave us
opening remarks, Dean of School of Electrical Power Engineering, Kunming
University of Science and Technology, Prof. Zhijian Liu delivered
Welcome Address and conference co-chair Prof. Bo Yang gave us program

Professor Yang Qiang from Zhejiang University, Professor Hou Yunhe from
the University of Hong Kong, Professor Deng Feng from Changsha
University of Science and Technology, TAE Power Solutions Ltd. from the
UK, TAE Technologies from California, USA, Dr. Shi Kai from the
University of Warwick, and Professor Xu Jianzhong from North China
Electric Power University were invited to deliver excellent keynote
浙江大学杨强教授,香港大学侯云鹤教授,长沙科技大学邓丰教授,英国TAE Power Solutions Ltd.,美国加州 TAE
技术公司,华威大学施锴博士, 以及华北电力大学许建中教授受邀做了精彩的主旨报告分享。

On May 10, the ICPST2024 sub-forums and presentations began
simultaneously. The conference featured a total of four youth forums and
one women's forum, where 15 outstanding young scholars engaged in
research related to power science delivered impressive presentations.
Additionally, the conference included seven student competition
sessions, 14 oral presentation sub-sessions, and four poster sessions,
with nearly 450 authors presenting and exchanging ideas on topics such
as distribution systems and smart grids, DC transmission systems and
stability analysis, fault diagnosis and analysis, control models and
parameter analysis in power systems, microgrids and smart grids, and
load forecasting models and calculations in power systems. After
rigorous selection and intense competition, the conference ultimately
awarded seven Best Student Paper Awards, six Excellent Paper Awards, 14
Best Oral Presentation Awards, and eight Best Poster Presentation
Awards. Congratulations to the following winners!