Conference Proceedings
About the Conference
In the afternoon on May 5, the conference started. Vice Present of
Kunming University of Science and Technology, Prof. Hongchun Shu gave us
opening remarks, Dean of School of Electrical Power Engineering, Kunming
University of Science and Technology, Prof. Zhijian Liu delivered
Welcome Address and conference co-chair Prof. Bo Yang gave us program

会议邀请到多位国内外著名专家学者做大会报告,他们分别是:雅典国立技术大学的Nikos Hatziargyriou教授;
福州大学的张艺明教授;横滨国立大学的Atsuo Kawamura教授;莫道克大学的Farhad Shahnia教授;华中科技大学的姚伟教授;西安交通大学的段超教授;林肯大学的仁亚星教授以及上海电力大学的桑一岩教授,8位大会报告人就各自最新的研究进展做了精彩的大会报告分享,现场反响热烈。

Photo 1: Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles
Yiming Zhang, Fuzhou University, China |
Photo 2: Observability and Controllability of Power Grid
Chao Duan, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Photo 3: Active Fault Ride-through and Frequency Support for
VSC-HVDC Integrated Offshore Wind Farms
Wei Yao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China |
Photo 4: Perturbation-Observer-Based Control for VSC-HVDC
System with Wind Energy Integration
Yiyan Sang, Shanghai University of Electric Power, China |

Photo 1: Local Energy Communities in Europe
Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens,
Greece |
Photo 2: Future Trend of 99.9% Class Efficiency DC-AC Power
Conversion and Its Applications
Atsuo Kawamura, Yokohama National University, Japan |
Photo 3: Role of Microgrids and Virtual Power Plants in
Farhad Shahnia, Murdoch University, Australia |
Photo 4: Design of a Model-based Observer for Lithium-ion
Yaxing Ren, University of Lincoln, UK |



Enjoy the Conference