Welcome Message
from IEEE ICPST 2025
With the
acceleration of the global energy transition and the advancement of green
and low-carbon development goals, the field of power science and technology
is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The large-scale
integration of renewable energy, rapid development of new energy storage
technologies, digital transformation of power systems, and widespread
adoption of smart grid technologies are reshaping the industry landscape.
Emerging technologies such as distributed energy, microgrids, and energy
internet are becoming focal points of the field, driving the development of
power systems towards greater efficiency, intelligence, flexibility, and
sustainability. However, these advancements also impose higher requirements
for the reliability, stability, and security of power systems, necessitating
significant breakthroughs in fundamental research, technological
development, and industrial applications.
To provide an important platform for
academic exchange and sharing of research achievements in the global power
engineering field, 2025 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Power Science and Technology (ICPST)
will be held from May 16 to 18, 2025,
in Kunming, Yunnan, China. The
conference is sponsored by Kunming University of Science and Technology
(KUST), hosted by School of Electrical Power Engineering, Kunming University
of Science and Technology,
School of Automation, Central South
University, School of Automation, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan),
patrons with Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Northeast Electric Power University, Guizhou University, and Test Department of Electric Power
Dispatch Automation System and Equipment (Nanjing)-China Electric Power Research Institute,
China Southern Power Grid, Yunnan International Co.,LED, IEEE PES China WIP, media supports from Journal of Protection and Control of Modern Power System (PCMP),
Journal of Power System Protection and Control, Journal of
Electric Power Construction (EPC),
Proceedings of the CSEE, Journal of Power System Technology,
Journal of High Voltage Engineering,
Journal of Electric Power Information and Communication Technology,
CESS Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Journal of High Voltage,
Journal of New Type Power Systems, Journal of Information
Processing in Agriculture (INPA), Journal of Global Energy
Interconnection, Journal of Thermal Power Generation, Journal
of Power Generation Technology, Journal of Electric Power, Journal of
Automation of Electric Power Systems, Journal of Modern Power Systems and
Clean Energy, Journal of Southern Power Grid Technology, Journal of
Integrated Intelligent Energy, Journal of Electrical Measurement and
Instrumentation, Shandong Electric Power, Distribution & Utilization.
The conference will feature a variety of formats,
including keynote speeches, invited talks, specialized seminars,
thematic discussions, and poster presentations, offering participants
the opportunity to engage in face-to-face discussions with experts,
scholars, and researchers in power science and technology. It provides a
platform for networking, academic exchange, and collaboration, inspiring
new ideas and gradually overcoming technological challenges in the field
of power engineering.
On behalf of the entire organizing committee, we extend our warm
invitation to you to participate in this conference. Through your
involvement, we will collectively advance the development of power
science and technology, shaping a brighter future for power systems.
、IEEE PES中国女工程师委员会协办支持,由《Protection and Control of Modern Power System》、《电力系统保护与控制》
、《电力建设》、《中国电机工程学报》、《电网技术》、《高电压技术》、《电力信息与通信技术》、《CESS Journal of Power and
Energy Systems》、《High Voltage》、《新型电力系统》、《Information Processing in
Agriculture》、《Global Energy Interconnection》、《热力发电》、《发电技术》、《中国电力》
、《电力系统自动化》、《Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》
代表全体组织委员会成员,热情地邀请您参加会议。 通过您的参与,我们将共同推进电力科学与技术的发展,让电力系统塑造更美好的未来。
Conference Proceedings

Submissions will be
peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, relevance to conference,
contributions, and presentation. Accepted full papers will be collected in
IEEE ICPST Conference Proceedings,
included in
IEEE Xplore,
indexed by
EI Compendex, SCOPUS,
IEEE ICPST 2025 is listed in IEEE Conference Calendar. ICPST 2025 进入IEEE
Click .
Accepted papers
of ICPST 2024 have been successfully indexed by
EI Compendex and
SCOPUS. Please check.
ICPST 2024 会议出版文章已上线后1个月内实现EI 核心,SCOPUS检索,请各位作者查收。
Accepted papers of ICPST 2024 have been online and included in IEEE Xplore.
ICPST 2024 论文集已成功上线并入库于IEEE Xplore,请注意查收。
Accepted papers
of ICPST 2023 have been successfully indexed by
EI Compendex and
SCOPUS. Please check.
ICPST 2023 会议出版文章已上线后1个月内实现EI 核心,SCOPUS检索,请各位作者查收。
SCI Journals
papers of ICPST can be invited to prepare extended version to
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) (ISSN:
2367-2617) .
Journal Rank: Q1; (中科院1区)
Impact Factor: 8.7;
Indexing: SCIE, Ei, Scopus, and etc. |
papers of ICPST will be recommended to prepare extended version
of paper to Global Energy Interconnection(GEI) (Online ISSN:
2590-0358) .
Impact Factor: 1.9;
Indexing: ESCI, Ei, Scopus, and etc. |
Energies (ISSN: 1996-1073)
Impact Factor: 3.0
High Visibility Index: SCIE (Web of Science), Ei Compendex,
Scopus, etc. |
Impact Factor: 3.3
High Visibility Index: SCIE and SSCI (Web of Science), Scopus, etc. |
Impact Factor: 2.8
High Visibility Index: SCIE (Web of Science), Ei Compendex,
Scopus, etc. |
papers with high quality can be recommended to the SCI Journals:
Sustainability; Processes; Energies; Electronics, etc, and published in Topics Advances in Power
Science and Technology, 2nd Edition (Get
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
Deadline (For Presentation Only): 2025/02/28
Full paper Submission
Deadline (For Paper Publication): 2025/02/28
Full Paper Notification of Acceptance:
within 2025/03/20
Registration Deadline: 2025/04/05
Conference Date: 2025/05/16-2025/05/18
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